Your journey begins here...
At A Glance
James Caan CBE is one of the most prolific entrepreneurs and investors in the UK recruitment sector.
James has been in recruitment for over 30 years and invests in recruitment companies of all sizes across various geographies and sectors. Alexander Mann, his first recruitment business, has gone on to become the most respected talent solutions brand in the world. His second recruitment venture, Humana International, grew to 140 offices across 30 countries.
Portfolio on track to generate £150m in revenue in 2021
258 consultants across the portfolio
Over £4 million invested into launching new recruitment business
£18.4 Million invested into existing recruitment business
30 different recruitment businesses under his mentorship
Making 4,000 placements annually across 55 countries
Looking to expand and scale your Recruitment Business
Do you have an existing recruitment business, but have hit a glass ceiling? Do you feel that with the right support, mentorship and further capital, this will unlock your potential and give you the push you need to build both a market-leading brand and a legacy?
Over the past 5 years, I have mentored and supported a number of entrepreneurs who had started the journey and realised that there are so many dimensions of truly scaling a business.
I will provide you with access to world-class recruitment resources, training and personal development, as well as a further injection of capital to attract the right talent, and to help achieve your goals and ambitions.
The people who I have supported have not only scaled their businesses, but have a business they can be truly proud of. Not only have the entrepreneurs I’ve invested in enjoyed a good income and healthy dividends; they have also created tangible personal wealth from the businesses they created.
We are opening our next investment fund to existing small recruitment businesses looking to scale, create value and exit. The fund is the fifth of its kind and our first opening since 2019.
We are opening a £5 million fund to encourage growth and begin our expansion process with talented individuals. If you are an experienced small business owner and have the entrepreneurial drive to build and scale your company then apply using the form on this page.